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Tracking shipments

Cargo tracking

Cargo Insurance

We cooperate with the world's leading insurance suppliers to provide you with high-quality insurance services, solve your worries about performance, and reduce the pressure of miscellaneous work such as document insurance.
We has given full play to the business volume advantages brought by centralized insurance, and has established long-term business relationships with many insurance companies, thus we have also obtained the highest premium rates of these insurance companies.
Anyone with insurance interest in cargo transportation can apply for insurance, provide reliable insurance system under special framework conditions, and provide special solutions for domestic and international customers in combination with comprehensive risk management.
We can analyze your current company insurance policies and submit customized quotations for you. Even if you are looking for tailored transportation insurance to cover the risk of cargo damage or loss, we are happy to support you.

Cargo transportation insurance solution

Cargo Transportation Insurance Solution

Cargo insurance covers physical loss or damage caused by natural or external reasons when your goods are transported to the final destination. The types of insurance mainly include domestic cargo transportation insurance, domestic air transportation insurance, foreign (sea, land and air) cargo transportation insurance, various additional risks and special insurance.


Cargo insurance covers a wide range of reasons. The insurance covers (but not limited to) container theft, natural disasters that damage the products in the container, fires caused by combustion of adjacent containers, water damage caused by humidity in the container, etc.

Quick Settlement of Claims

Generally, the time for cargo transportation insurance to process claims is shorter than that for liability insurance, even if the cause of loss is not clear or the amount of loss is large and needs to be investigated in detail, the processing time for cargo transportation insurance is also relatively short.

Risk Transfer

cargo transportation insurance is a guarantee item, not a buyer. If an accident occurs during the transportation, and the buyer cannot receive the goods and is unwilling to pay the seller's fees, the cargo transportation insurance can effectively transfer the risk according to the arrangement of the insured, and neither the buyer nor the seller need worry.

What are the advantages of our cargo transportation insurance

Rich resources. We cooperate with the world's leading insurance suppliers to provide you with reliable insurance plans and comprehensive risk management under special conditions to meet your various needs.

Professionalism. By formulating an exclusive cargo transportation insurance scheme, you can maximize the avoidance of unexpected accidents during cargo transportation, thus protecting the value of your cargo transportation.

Efficiency. Once your cargo transportation encounters a problem and the cargo is lost or damaged, our professional team will provide you with a comprehensive solution to deal with it quickly and efficiently.

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